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My wife and I used to go to swinger clubs. We'd have sex with other married couples but also with single black men. I still get a thrill out of watching a white married couple go to a black stud for a wife's proper fucking. It's good that a woman gets her holes reamed out by fat black cocks that will satisfy her. My wife loved the way they would make her feel like a dirty slut. And those black studs would do that so well. I still love watching black men mount a white wife and giver her a good dose of Fat Black cock to stretcher out the way she needs it.    It was so nice to watch my wifes legs wrap about the muscular black ass that was pumping into her and hearing her squeal as another black stud would pinch and twist her nipples,  Spank her tits and ass while the other black man was pumping his cock up her asshole.   They'd DP her too.

Those black men would do some perverted things with her and also include me so I would eat their cum out of her. Suck their cocks clean when they would pull out. I would kiss her after other men had cum in her mouth. The black men were relentless in perverting me too and I lost my anal virginity to the man that was fucking my wife. I enjoyed being submissive to these men. but that's just me. Some stories on my profile for your amusement.
ååååååååå nice
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She is my sister 
Odpowiedz Pokaż pierwotny komentarz Ukryj
MAMA FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My ex white wife had a huge fantasy about black men, very dark and with shiny skin, like in the video. I knew this because when we had vacationed in Senegal, I noticed that she looked at black men with desire and strong excitement. And one day she admitted it to me but saying that it was a fantasy and that a fantasy never comes true. We often watched porn videos together because it gave us a lot of excitement and then we made love. But we had never watched an interracial video. So I made her a surprise an evening at our house to watch this video. As soon as the video started and she saw the black man's body and his very dark, shiny skin, she told me that I had well chosen the video well but that I shouldn't be angry if she was going to masturbating and cumming while watching the video. I told her to get comfortable, which she did right away. At 2 minutes, as soon as she saw the black man's body from behind, she started to masturbate. I heard right away that her pussy was wet. At 4 minutes she told me that it wouldn't be long before she will came and in fact she had her first orgasm at 5:35 minutes... At 9:30 minutes she had her second orgasm and a 3rd at 13 minutes 37...